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Maths Games Ideas


You will find below an extensive list of ideas and games that can be played at home to support your children's learning of Maths. 


Play is a really important way to reinforce mathematical facts and for children to put into practice what they have learned at school in a fun and none threatening way!  


Please do have a look through some of the documents, there are some really great ideas!


Get the whole family involved, and have fun!

Dice Games


The 16 games in the document below are designed to offer fun and interest while helping children develop their confidence using addition, subtraction and multiplication.

Fluency Without Fear


The activities given in the document below are illustrations of games and tasks in which students learn math facts at the same time as working on something they enjoy, rather than something they fear. The different activities also focus on the understanding of addition and multiplication, rather than blind memorization and this is critically important. 

KS1 Maths Games


Here are some ways in which you could incorporate fun maths activities at home.

KS1 Number Games


The document below contains a variety of games that you can play at home with your child(ren) to develop their sense of number. You will need some dice, playing cards and something that can be used as counters. 

Maths games to play on a journey


These games are great for when you are travelling to and from school, or on a car journey - or anywhere when you are on the move. 

Times Tables Games


The links below include loads of different ideas for playing games involving rapid recall of times tables.   

Fidget Spinner Multiplication Game
Fortune Teller Multiplication Game