School expectations for Home Learning
Dear Parents and Carers
Please see our school expectations for home learning below. We recognise that you are not teachers and we do not expect you to provide activities for children to do from 9am - 3pm each day. We would much rather your children do a little bit of learning at their own pace every day and enjoy it!
Home Learning Expectations – EYFS / KS1
Daily Expectations:
Listen to child read for 15 minutes and read to them for 15 minutes.
Practice spellings from common exception words list.
Sentence writing – Practice creating sentences that include capital letters, full stops/exclamation marks/question marks and ‘wow’ adjectives.
Practice times tables (10, 5 and 2s).
Re-visit number bonds up to 20 using addition and subtraction – children are allowed to use number lines/objects to help them work these out (the children have Numbots and TTrockstar login details in their reading diaries)
Ensure you spend some time outside.
Choose some activities from the homework menu grid and encourage the children to complete them. Images could be added to dojo if you wish.
There are also links to online videos, games and content that will help your children progress with their learning.
Home Learning Expectations- KS2
Daily Expectations
Log in to reading plus for at least 15 minutes.
Reading for pleasure with your child- read anything!
Practice spellings- common exception words or online games like Spelling Frame.
Practice times tables- could use hit the button, TTRockstars or on paper is fine too!
Ensure you spend some time outside.
Choose some activities from the homework menu grid and encourage the children to complete them. Images could be added to dojo if you wish.
There are also links to online videos, games and content that will help your children progress with their learning.