Daily Worship offers the opportunity for the whole school community to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness and reflection. Statutory obligations are fulfilled.
At St Peter's our collective worships normally take place either in the school hall or in classes. If there is a reason we cannot congregate as a whole school, we hold these online through TEAMS. Our year 4 children take a leading role in our worships and are responsible for lighting and extinguishing the candle, choosing and saying the prayers and discussing why we are assembling together.
Each week, we celebrate children's achievements related to each of the Christian values through our Star of the Week worships. The staff look for children who display a particular value well throughout the week. Every month we have a Celebration worship where we give out special curriculum certificates that celebrate Reading, Writing, Maths, Science, PE and our Christian values. We also celebrate children's achievements outside of school and encourage them to share extra curricular activities that they are proud of. Normally, parents are invited in to these special worships, but due to the pandemic this has unfortunately been halted; the parents attend these remotely. These children are celebrated in our weekly St Peter's Post newsletter.
At St Peter's we love to sing and each class has a weekly singing assembly with a specialist teacher and we also sing during our collective worships throughout the week. During class worships we read stories from the Bible, that have been carefully planned to give the children an overview of the important moral stories and parables from the Bible. Children are given the opportunity to reflect on their collective worship through evaluations and are always encouraged to add to their class reflection diary. We are also lucky to have special visitors attend our school worships meetings.
We also celebrate children’s achievements outside of school to recognise when they complete good deeds to support others in need e.g. when children have had their hair cut to make a wig for a child who is undergoing treatment for cancer. The children see their good deeds within the context of “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”
Children and adults appreciate Christian Worship in different ways e.g. music, prayer, silence, Bible stories and poems. It is a reflective experience for children with different faiths or non.
We have a strong link with our church and we have termly class visits to participate in active worship.
We hold special services in church to celebrate Harvest, Remembrance, Advent, Lent, Easter and our Year 4 Leavers' Service.
Collective Worship Policy
Half-termly Collective Worship Rotas