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Archie Project

St Peter's First School is proud to be linked with the local charity ‘Reminiscence Learning’. The charity aims to promote, maintain and improve activity and education by working with people with dementia and their family carers and those with physical and mental health needs.


Children in Year 4 take part in the ‘Archie Project’, which is an intergenerational dementia awareness project that is designed to make communities more dementia friendly.


Since 2015 children in Year 4 have been working with Croft House Residential Care Home in Williton, taking part in joint projects and the residents have been into school for assemblies and special events.


If you would like to find out more about the project please have a look at

The Archie Project - Dementia Friendly Communities - Alzheimer's Society

Watch this film to see how the The Archie Project works to create Dementia Friendly Communities regionally. Dementia Friendly Communities Regional Initiative...
