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Special Educational Needs at Pre School

Somerset SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support) can give children, young people and their parent carers information, advice and support about SEND. This can include information on Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and Plans.

Please see the link below for more information.



SENCO: Ms Dot Jones 


To make an appointment, please contact the school office

Tel: 01984 632480

Address: Doniford Road, Williton, Somerset, TA4 4SF


Special Educational Needs & Disability


All staff at St Peter’s Pre- school are committed to ensuring that all our children learn successfully. We recognise that it is the responsibility of all staff in school to contribute to the identification and support of children’s special needs.


We are an inclusive pre-school, working together with parents/carers and a wide range of outside agencies and professionals. This enables us to provide individualised provision to best meet any additional educational, social and emotional needs for our pupils.



We believe that:

  • All children, including those with SEN, should be valued equally and have their needs met
  • It is our responsibility to maximize the attainment and progress of all children in school
  • Provision for a child with SEN should match the nature of the need
  • Parents should be involved as partners throughout the process
  • An inclusive education should be provided
  • The views of the child should be sought and taken into account


Who do I see if I am worried?

  • Your child’s Key Worker is your first point of contact. You can arrange to speak to the Key Worker, usually by appointment.
  • You can also arrange to speak to the school’s SENCO - Ms Dot Jones.
  • An appointment can be made through the School Office.


Who might work with my child?

St Peter's Pre-School has an excellent team of staff that have a wealth of knowledge and experience.

It may be necessary to involve outside professionals to support the school in planning an appropriate for provision for your child. You will be included in the process of referring to these services. These could include:


  • Learning Support Advisory Teachers
  • Ups and Downs
  • Physical impairment and Medical Support
  • Hearing Impairment Advisory Teachers
  • Visual impairment Advisory Teachers
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Advisory Teachers
  • Autism and Communication Advisors
  • Integrated Therapy Services which include Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
  • School Nurse Team
  • CAMHS (Children and Adults Mental Health Services)
  • Children’s Social Care


The four main areas of Special Educational Needs


The Graduated Response Toolkit

This tool guides users through how barriers to learning could be identified, and the strategies that might support children and young people with SEN in overcoming barriers.


Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool has been created to support all users to understand the Graduated Response to Special Educational Needs in the context of current legislation. The document makes it clear ‘what to expect’ in terms of what is provided and is written for parent carers, children and young people, school staff and those who provide services to families.


The tool sets out the provision that is ordinarily available in Somerset schools at both the Universal and Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support levels.


Somerset’s Graduated Response Toolkit


For information for children, young people and families including Somerset's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer please click on the Somerset Choices link below.  To view the Local Offer choose "Somerset Choices for ages 0-25" and "Our Local Offer" 

SEND Information Report - 2023/24
