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Infection control advice

Schools and nurseries are common sites for transmission of infections. Children are particularly susceptible because:

  • they have immature immune systems
  • have close contact with other children
  • sometimes have no or incomplete vaccinations
  • they have a poor understanding of hygiene practices


If you child is unwell and unable to attend school, please leave an absence message via 'My Child At School' (MCAS).  Alternatively, leave a message on our answerphone as soon as possible.

Our telephone number is 01984 632480.


If you are unsure whether your child should attend school, please check on the guidance document below which lists common illnesses and infections and the recommended period your child should be kept away from school. Alternatively, please consult your doctor.


Infection in childcare settings

Infections in children are common. This is because a child’s immune system is immature. Added to this, young children often have close contact with their friends, for example through play, and lack good hygiene habits, making it easier for infections to be passed on. Many diseases can spread before the individual shows any symptoms at all (during the infectious period).


Infection prevention and control measures aim to interrupt the cycle of infection by promoting the routine use of good standards of hygiene so that transmission of infection is reduced overall. This is usually through:

  • immunisation of pupils and staff
  • good hand washing
  • making sure the environment is kept clean

Where a case of infection is known, measures aim to reduce or eliminate the risk of spread through information and prompt exclusion of a case.


Prevention and control

Hand Washing

Hand washing is one of the most important ways of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that cause diarrhoea and vomiting and respiratory disease. Liquid soap, warm water and paper towels are recommended.

  • All staff and pupils advised to wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating or handling food and after touching animals.
  • Cover all cuts and abrasions with a waterproof dressing.
  • Coughs and sneezes spread diseases. Children and adults are encouraged to cover their mouth and nose with a disposable tissue and wash hands after using or disposing of tissues. Spitting should be discouraged.
  • Wear disposable gloves and plastic aprons if there is a risk of splashing or contamination with blood or body fluids during an activity. Gloves should be disposable, non-powdered vinyl or latex-free and CE marked. Wear goggles if there is a risk of splashing to the face.