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Parent Community Group

As well as an Academy Improvement Board, all Beacon Education schools have a formal Parent and Community Advisory Group called the Parnet and Community Group, with elected representatives and co-opted parents. 


These meetings ensure the parent voice is captured and allow focus on areas of importance to the parent community, balanced with school priorities.


The meetings are chaired by the Headteacher. 


The Parent Community Group is made up as follows:


Maida White                  Head Teacher (Chair) 

Penny Gibbons               Community Rep   1/9/22                                                                               

Liz Buckley-Smith         Parent  Elected  1/9/22

Sam Cridland                 Parent Elected   1/9/22

Katrina Davey               Co-opted Parent  8/2/23

Rev Mark Phillips           Clergy Representative

Charlotte Cooper           Parent Elected   8/2/23  Resigned 07/06/23

Clerk: Helen Hatfield

PCG Meetings Attendance 23-24   
Liz Buckley-SmithAA 
Sam CridlandYY 
Penny GibbonsAY 
Mark PhillipsYA 
Maida White YY 
Katrina DaveyAY 
PCG Attendance 22-23   
Liz Buckley-SmithYNN
Sam CridlandYNY
Penny GibbonsNYY
Mark PhillipsYYApologies
Maida White YYY
Katrina Davey/YY
Charlotte Cooper /YResigned


Governor Resignations :

Rev Clive Gilbert - February 2021

Kate Taylor - April 2021

Naomi Collyer - July 2021

Nichola Nicholas - October 2021

Rebecca Polsom - November 2021

Nicola Cottrell - February 2022

Sarah Cox - June 2022

Charlotte Cooper (PCG) - June 2023


Table of attendance  2021-22:




Out of a possible



Hayley Lake - Link trustee 

Acting Chair 


Sarah Cox *resigned 6/22


Nikki Cottrell *resigned 2/22

Maida White 33
Liz Buckley-Smith23
Rob Lakin - CEO *resigned 6/2433









