My Child At School (MCAS) is a free online Portal and App that enables parents to view key information about their children and the school, and to easily contact the school with queries or to report absence.
The best way to access the portal is the My Child At School Parent App, available to download on iOS and Android devices.
Alternatively, the portal can also be accessed via an internet browser using a laptop or computer.
The My Child At School portal will provide:
Book (and pay) for school dinners
Book Castle club and extra curricular clubs
Book (and pay) for school trips
Download the app
Search for MyChildAtSchool in your app store and look for the red icon as shown, or use the buttons below to open your app store.
Prefer to login through a web browser? Click here.
All parents should have received an email with login details and an invitation code. Please contact the school if you haven’t received this.